3 Ways to Stay Happy Around Unhappy People

Emily Madill
5 min readJul 17, 2019
Image Licensed from Shutterstock

Happiness is an inside job.” — William Arthur Ward

Happiness is a personal journey that becomes possible when we hold ourselves accountable for our happiness and unhappiness.

Half the battle of living a life well-loved, is to embrace being the conductor of our own amazing life adventure.

Instead of getting caught up believing life is hard, or is always happening to us, it’s refreshing to open up to the idea that we get to play and we have a say.

As happiness curators, we may become well-versed at playing and knowing what makes our hearts sing.

For example, I’m aware that the daily ingredients that lead me to my happy place include: solid sleep, regular exercise, nutritious food, connecting with my loved ones, being in nature, and expressing my creativity to plant a few seeds of hope out into the world.

I’m crystal clear about what happiness looks like to me. For the most part, I’m pretty good at bringing these ingredients into my daily recipe for living well.

Chances are, you also have a good practice and understanding of what your definition of happiness includes.

If so many of us already know how to feel good each day, why does the staying power of…



Emily Madill

Author & ICF Certified Coach (ACC)• BA in Business & Psychology.• Thrive Global editor-at-large•Author of 11 books•Coach at BetterUp•WWW.WEEKLYHAPPINESSNOTE.COM